Wednesday, 2 November 2016

It's not the leaving of Liverpool that grieves me

Enjoyed the Monday of the long weekend at the AMRA Liverpool exhibition. A few photos below. Particular thanks to Ron Everingham for the chat and the opportunity to operate Broxburn Sidings. The AJ coupling system is fascinating. It was also good to catch up with Bob Stokes from Coffs Harbour, with whose daughter I worked for nearly twenty years.
A few images from the day:
Electric Car Sheds


Valley Heights
Broxburn Sidings
Having a go on Broxburn Sidings

Behind the scenes at Coffs Harbour

Panorama inside Coffs


Mungo Scotts

Whisky Springs

I then had the opportunity for a bit of work on the RUB set ... which I'll cover in my next post.
Cheers for now.