Thursday, 11 August 2016

Better be home soon

Well, the second coat of paint went on last night. After I got home from pipes this evening, I re-hung the curtains, then marshalled a train using most of Brendan's rollingstock. A few trips around the loop, and pose for a few photos, then back inside to attend to the housework before the family returns tomorrow.

The station, goods shed and hardware shop are Tyco kits that my sister & I received for Christmas many years ago, which Dad then helped us assemble. Most of the other buildings were recently donated by Roy H, left over from his late father's Christmas layout building sideline. The stockyard is a Sentinel kit (if I recall), that once graced Yabbie Creek. The tunnel portals are from a Lima double-track tunnel. I had to widen them by cutting out the key stones and spacing the sides a little further apart to get adequate clearance, as the track centres are were too wide.
Time for bed as I have to be on call in the morning for when they disembark Pacific Jewel. The kids are actually wanting to go to school!

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