Friday, 6 October 2017

An L of a long day

I suspect this may be the latest - or earliest - I have sat down to write a blog entry.
Tonight, with the assistance of Jason's Irwin clamps to speed things up, I managed to complete the assembly of 16 L girders. With the pair done on Wednesday evening, I now have the full complement.
With luck, Jason & his framing square will come over Friday evening and we can have a crack at assembling the legs, horizontal & end diagonal braces. Once they are together, I can probably manage the assembly of legs to girders, and associated diagonal braces, gussets and splicing of girders myself.
When I first drew up the plan for Weddin Jct, there was no work bench in the garage. Twelve months ago, I spent a few evenings converting the remains of my old layout into one. This has eaten up about 700mm of depth in the garage. It is likely that I will only get to assemble the "scenic" half of the layout, and will have to leave the staging for now, until I can find a way to cull the contents of the garage to get that 700mm back!
Anyway, here's the completed stack of girders.
Ten 1800, two 1684, four 1277 and two 1150 mm long L girders complete. The flanges are from 38x19, the webs from 90x19, so the overall size is 109D x 38W x 19thk

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